Published in: Proceedings of PMAPS 2016 (Beijing, China, 16-20 Oct. 2016)
Publisher: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Pages: 5
ISBN: 978-1-5090-1970-0
Conference Location: Beijing, China
Year: 2016
Link: Link DOI: 10.1109/PMAPS.2016.7764226

Hits: 1255


Micro Energy internet generally refers to energy system with multi-energy synergism, is achieved through energy conversion, storage, demand response and other technologies, realizes coupling energy and information deeply. This paper introduces a stochastic optimal operation model of micro Energy Internet contains CCHP system and rooftop PV modules. A representative scenarios method is used to describe the uncertainty of PV output power. A stochastic MILP model with probability was established and verified by actual data in the case study section.

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