PMAPS 2014 Committees

PMAPS 2014 Committees Organising committee and contacts

Dr. Chris Dent (General Chair)

Prof. Janusz Bialek (Technical Chair)

Dr. Chris Crabtree (Finance)

Dr. Matthias Troffaes (Publications)

Judith Aird (Event Durham liaison)

Sean Norris, Evelyn Tehrani and Dr. Patrick McNabb (Website and paper submissions)

Prof. Frank Coolen

Prof. Peter Tavner

Prof. Phil Taylor

Dr. Simon Blake

Dr. Neal Wade

Dr. Patrick McNabb

PMAPS International Society

Roy Billinton, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, permanent member.

Fred Turner, PMAPS International, Canada, permanent member

Alfredo Testa, Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy, permanent member

Aydogan Ozdemir, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, chairman of PMAPS 2012

Chris Dent, Durham University, UK, chairman of PMAPS 2014

International Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC)

Allan, R., UK Anders, G., Canada Asgapoor, S, USA Bagen, B., Canada Bertling, L., Sweden Bialek, J., UK Billinton, R., Canada Borges, C., Brazil Caglar, R., Turkey Carpinelli, G., Italy Choi, J., Korea Chowdhury, A., USA Dent, C., UK Endrenyi, J., Canada Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M., Iran Goel, L., Singapore Haldar, A., Canada Herman, R., South Africa Irizarry Rivera, A., USA Kjolle, G., Norway Krishnasamy, S., Canada Leite de Silva, A., Brazil Li W., Canada Lin, C., China Meyn, S., USA Milanovic, J., UK Miranda, V., Portugal Ozdemir, A., Turkey Pinson, P., Denmark Schilling, M., Brazil Simpson, R., NZ Singh, C., USA Testa, A., Italy Turner, F., Canada Wang, P., Singapore Wangdee, W., Canada Wellssow, W., Germany Xie, K., China Zachary, S., UK

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PMAPS 2026
Salt Lake City, Utah (USA)

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